4 Potret Lawas Iqbaal Ramadhan Salat di Berbagai Tempat, Bikin Salut

Which Engagement Model Is Best For Your Software Project? A Cheat Sheet The chase towards a cost-efficient approach to software development that could benefit one's business through the prism of cost and time rationally comes as a challenge to companies seeking to launch the desired product. Which software engagement model will make the right cut is the most concerned question businesses are facing today. The company's bet on choosing engagement model has multiple legs: a best fit pricing model, all goals aligned rationally, and a project that gets completed in a timely fashion which further depends on the hindsight of various factors such as company's experience with other clients, same type of domains covered by them, the amount of time taken for project completion etc. While these factors certainly depend on the technological aspects, complexities involved, and type of commitments with the client, the company must precisely regard these points as well. On the behalf of the type of engagement models manifested for businesses are- Time and Material, Fixed Price, and Dedicated Team Model. Here's a detailed study of it: 1. Time and Material (T&M) Engagement Model - The T&M model works best for businesses whose requirements are unclear or are subject to be changed quite often. Here T&M model also plays a greater role when the business demands flexible and agile project execution. Well suited for medium to large projects in this model the business itself carries the related risks of scope, quality of deliverables and project management. Here the software development company assigns a dedicated team to the customer and the actual time spent in the project development is charged. Generally the service providers are paid on account of the number of developer's hours engaged in the project or writing the code. Pros of Choosing Time and Material Model: • Well adapted to changes driven project; • Full control on what buyer wants to get done. 2. Fixed Price Model - The fixed price model is ideal for businesses whose requirements are well defined, plans are well set, and there are almost little chances of changes. The fixed price model also works wonder when buyers require quick turnaround time to project completion. Unlike time and material model, here the service provider and the customer both carry some scope-related risk. But as stated in the agreement changes to the project are subject to change in price. Pros of Choosing Fixed Price Model: • A defined scope and fixed budget; • No potential disagreements; • No inflated expenses report at the end. 3. Dedicated Team Model - Dedicated team model is a virtual extension of client's in-house development team where the client and outsource provider mutually agree on the workload and project requirements for the specified time period and the service provider or the outsource company provides IT professionals that befit clients demands and fully focus on projects for one company at a time. This model is well suited for long-term projects, where requirements are unclear and scope of the project keeps changing frequently. Pros of Choosing Dedicated Team Model: • Complete control over the selection and management of dedicated team members; • Working with a dedicated team gives the team members profound knowledge of client's expectations and understanding; • An agile approach, fully predictable costs, and budget control. To condense the article in few lines, whatever engagement model you choose, calculate and foresee the scope of the project. If there is even a small possibility of project expansion go for the model that allows you to welcome new opportunities for the product or software enhancement. Additionally, look forward to a Mobile App or Web Development Company that has flexible engagement conditions. Anuradha Badone is a content writer and marketing strategist at Codiant software technologies Pvt ltd. She is interested in writing stuff on leading technology trends and digital marketing. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

10 Hari Tak Serumah dengan Angel Lelga, Tangis Penyesalan Vicky Prasetyo Pecah

Three Things You Need To Know About Electro-Mechanical Assemblies It's no secret that we live in an automated world that seems to be moving at a mile a minute in terms of how fast the technology behind the automation moves. Most of us tend to admire the way things around us move and work, but for those who work in industries that manufacture these 'things', they are more concerned with the ins and outs of the electro-mechanical assemblies that are the heart of our automated environment. So, you may be asking yourself, "What exactly are electro-mechanical assemblies?" It's a good question with a basic answer but not near enough time to describe the scope with which these little mechanical miracles make our lives easier. Per The Engineering Council out of London, these types of "devices convert electrical energy into mechanical movement". Basically, electricity creates movement which, in turn, leads to a function taking place. An example of this would be the robotic arms heavily used in manufacturing. Even if you're not completely familiar with the engineering behind all of this, getting the basics down is good knowledge to have in your back-pocket. Here are three things you need to know about electro-mechanical assemblies: Machines versus Products - Manufacturers of electro-mechanical assemblies often look at what they do as more than provide a product to a customer. Depending on the complexity of the project, they may use the word 'machine' to better describe what they're bringing to the table. Hardware and Software Changes - A top-notch manufacturer does right by its customers by maintaining records of previous projects. Having records allows a manufacturer to knock-out a customer order if there are no changes from a previous project, but it also allows both the customer and manufacturer to look over specs from before & see what options are available for current & future needs. Up-to-Date Manufacturing Design Techniques - If there is one thing to know about electro-mechanical assemblies, it's that you need to work with a manufacturer that not only has quality & experience recognized across a number of industries, but also actively pursues licensing and certification relevant to the products it provides. The manufacturer must also actively keep up with trends in manufacturing processes and strive to provide state-of-the-art service to its customers. Electro-mechanical assemblies are seemingly omnipresent in nearly all areas of society purely because of the amount of automation we as individuals insist upon. As technology advances and the needs of the individual grow, so too must the ability for manufacturers of electro-mechanical assemblies to keep up with demand. In order for your business to remain relevant in your specific industry, it will be vital to choose the right manufacturer that not only understands your current needs but is also equipped to exceed your expectations & prepare your business for the future. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

Fenita Tergugah untuk Berhijab saat Lihat Arie Untung Rajin Beribadah

Be Safe While Being Social Online The advent of the internet has brought the world closer and made it possible for you to interact with your social circles right from your mobile device or PC. Moreover, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter etc. have made it easier than ever to keep the people who matter to you updated about the happening in your life. It is no wonder then, that almost everyone has a presence on these platforms. But while this is the positive side of the online social world, there is also another more negative side to all of this. A recent survey by Cybersecurity firm Norton by Symantec conducted in 2017 shows that online harassment is increasing in India, with 80% of the surveyed users admitting to have encountered some form of it. Online harassment can manifest in many forms. We've listed some of the most common ways in which you can be harassed online and also some ways in which you can protect yourself against these risks: Identity Theft: If you're on Social Media, chances are that you have personal information - like your photographs, details of your educational background, your relationships - floating around. This gives online fraudsters the opportunity to take this information and use it to commit frauds or unlawful acts. For example, fraudsters obtain private details like your Aadhaar card number or personal information like email ID and then uses it to carry out fraudulent or illegal activities, landing you in trouble. Sounds scary? It is. Cyber Stalking: Have you ever taken a look at the Message Requests you get in your 'Other Folder' on Facebook? If yes, and especially if you're a woman, you would have definitely received disturbing messages from strangers. This is just a very basic level of cyberstalking and has been known to escalate very easily. Not just strangers, but there is an increasing number of cases of cyberstalking by acquaintances, friends, and family as well. Not only can this be very frustrating and annoying, but can also lead to a situation where it becomes menacing and terrifying. And it can easily happen to anyone. Media Liability: Most of us consider our Social Profiles the place from where we can express our opinions. But what happens when someone takes something you posted, takes it out of context and misrepresents your point of view? It sounds harmless, but it can land you in serious legal trouble. For example, if you create a podcast/blogs and someone hacks into it, takes control of it and puts out content that is defamatory, infringes on any intellectual property or results in an invasion of an individual's rights of privacy then you can land in legal trouble. So how do you protect yourself? Some basic practices you can follow to prevent such situations are: Set strong passwords and don't share them with anyone. Check the privacy settings of your social profile and make sure that you've enabled the setting that prevents unconnected people from viewing your details or downloading your images Never share sensitive details like your phone number, address or email address on your social profile, and if you do, make sure that they are hidden from the public Don't engage with strangers, no matter how familiar they seem. Censor yourself while posting via your social profiles. Accept requests only from known users. While these measures will keep you protected to some extent, anti-social elements that want to cause harm will always find a way to do so. In case you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation online, you should report the incident or the user who is causing trouble for you. You can also lodge a complaint with the Cyber Cell in case things get out of hand. Our Individual Cyber Safe Insurance will ensure that the financial setbacks that you could incur due to such an event get minimized.

Luna Maya Sebut Hubungannya dengan Reino Barack Terhalang Keluarga

Ruby on Rails is best run on a VPS server (if you don't want to use the likes of Heroku) - typically hosted on one of the various "cloud" providers. Whilst this is pretty standard (and relatively simple to set up), what isn't simple is the way in which you have to set up the software running on the various VPS boxes you may have. The truth is that the majority of setting up a VPS server for the likes of Rails is software centric - meaning that the underlying "VPS" is still the same no matter which setup you end up using. This is why it's called a "stack" - you're basically installing various "layers" of the system, from the OS to the underlying libraries to the web server & GIT etc. If you're interested in getting your Ruby on Rails application uploaded and running on a "cloud" VPS, you'll be best placed to look at the various pieces of *software* you'll require to get it running. This can be done in a number of different ways, but the underlying essentials are still the same. This tutorial is going to explain how to do it... What's Required To Get A Rails-Powered VPS Running The most important thing is to appreciate that this "stack" exists on *ALL* systems - regardless of the operating system or whatever. The specific software stack you require is as follows: -. Operating System (Linux or Windows) -. System Libraries (OpenSSL, GIT, etc) -. Language Interpreters (Ruby/PHP etc) -. Software Packages (Web Server etc) -. GIT Repo's + Server Config The point here is that the above represents the typical "stack" required to get any web server online. Web servers are ALL the same - they are standardized systems designed to provide users with the ability to "publish" HTML pages on the web. The only difference - and this is especially pertinent with Rails - is that you need what's known as "application" server software - which represents the "processing" of dynamic requests. For Rails, this is typically "Passenger" but Puma is also applicable. To understand how this works, I'll briefly explain the steps required to get it all working... Installing The Various Software Packages As mentioned, 99% of the job is installing the different packages. To do this, you basically let the host set up the server either through their web based interface, or through the API. The API is only really for third party apps, so it's probably not going to be something you'll be concerned with. The point is that everything after that is up to you. Here's how you do it... 1. SSH Access The first thing you need to is gain SSH access to the box. This is done typically through the provider's web service (Digital Ocean has a "console" applet for example.This will give you direct access to the server, and you should be able to log in using the "root" username (& password delivered via email). 2. Create "deploy" User After you gain initial SSH access, you're best removing access for the "root" user (to prevent hackers) and change the port to something other than 22. This typically means you have to remember the port - but you need to make sure that you are able to essentially "block" most of the hacking attempts you'll get. On top of this, it's advised you create some sort of "deploy" user. This basically allows you to replace the "root" user and remove reliance on the default settings for the deployment. 3. Install OS-Level Libraries After setting up a "deploy" user, you'll then need to install the various OS-level libraries which will be required to run the various applications. These will vary depending on which type of application you wish to use - but will typically include most of the same packages. 4. Install Programming Languages Next, you need to install the various programming languages required by your application. If you're using Ruby on Rails, this will be Ruby. You may also require NodeJS to help the system execute the various Javascript elements of your apps. 5. Install Web Server Software This will either be Apache or NGinx. Both are supported on all flavours of Linux - and you should be able to get them working on Windows too. 6. Install "Application" Server Software After the web server, you'll need to install the "application" server. This is the program which turns HTTP requests over to the Ruby interpreter - allowing for your Rails app to deliver HTML responses. For Rails, this will either be Phusion Passenger, or Puma. Setting up either is relatively complicated, so you'll need to look up how to do it. 7. Set Up The Various Domains In The Server Config Files Both NGinx & Apache operate a "virtual host" system - whereby you're able to "split" the server amongst different domains / apps. By setting them in the config files, you're able to determine exactly which apps you're hosting on your servers. 8. Set up GIT Repo's Finally, you need to set up the various GIT repo's that you may require for your various apps. Whilst you could use a "File Manager" system - or even FTP - to upload files directly, GIT is far more effective at handling versioned uploads. By doing all of the above, you'll be able to get your applications deployed to your own VPS servers. Whilst not exhaustive, the above is pretty-much what you need to get it all working.

Mantap Berhijab, Pesona Mulan Jameela Semakin Cantik dan Anggun

Games Can Teach Different Languages to the Computer With the technological world, the use of computers and networking systems has also increased. The treatments of words as data can be greatly done by computers. It can let you find the real meaning of any word or sentence but it is important for the system to understand it too. A research has been conducted which analyzed that whether the computer could follow a set of instructions and work an unfamiliar task by making use of machine-learning systems that could give the best results and findings. Due to this, a system has been introduced that could generate scripts for installing a piece of software on a windows computer only through the reviewed instructions that were already posted on Microsoft's help site. For different artificial intelligence techniques, these games were used as a test-bed only due to their complex nature. In the game, the opponent will only react to what you do, so it is very difficult to analyze and understand the pre-determined outcome. It opens up the way for several techniques that could handle complex scenarios by potentially reacting to random ways, as games are considered as the broader step closer to the real world. The language in which the instructions were written, the device had the series of action list that allows the cursor to move and access the information that is displayed on the screen. Also, there are different methods to gauge the success of software installation that enables the user to win the game. But various actions were taken to make the appearance of words on computer screens. There are certain professionals in top colleges of engineering that have applied a similar kind of approach to this complex problem. A game of civilization was designed as a computer game in which player guides the development of a city into the empire across centuries in the human history. The main consequence of the player guide was the rate of victory that jumped from 46% directly to 79%. In the case of software installation, the computer systems can easily reproduce around 80% steps that could be executed when a human reads the same instructions. In case of computer games, 79% were played with a version with written instructions that won 46%.

Chemistry Ngena Banget, 9 Pasangan Artis Ini Sering Main dalam Satu Judul

What Are the Challenges of Machine Learning in Big Data Analytics? Machine Learning is a branch of computer science, a field of Artificial Intelligence. It is a data analysis method that further helps in automating the analytical model building. Alternatively, as the word indicates, it provides the machines (computer systems) with the capability to learn from the data, without external help to make decisions with minimum human interference. With the evolution of new technologies, machine learning has changed a lot over the past few years. Let us Discuss what Big Data is? Big data means too much information and analytics means analysis of a large amount of data to filter the information. A human can't do this task efficiently within a time limit. So here is the point where machine learning for big data analytics comes into play. Let us take an example, suppose that you are an owner of the company and need to collect a large amount of information, which is very difficult on its own. Then you start to find a clue that will help you in your business or make decisions faster. Here you realize that you're dealing with immense information. Your analytics need a little help to make search successful. In machine learning process, more the data you provide to the system, more the system can learn from it, and returning all the information you were searching and hence make your search successful. That is why it works so well with big data analytics. Without big data, it cannot work to its optimum level because of the fact that with less data, the system has few examples to learn from. So we can say that big data has a major role in machine learning. Instead of various advantages of machine learning in analytics of there are various challenges also. Let us discuss them one by one: -. Learning from Massive Data: With the advancement of technology, amount of data we process is increasing day by day. In Nov 2017, it was found that Google processes approx. 25PB per day, with time, companies will cross these petabytes of data. The major attribute of data is Volume. So it is a great challenge to process such huge amount of information. To overcome this challenge, Distributed frameworks with parallel computing should be preferred. -. Learning of Different Data Types: There is a large amount of variety in data nowadays. Variety is also a major attribute of big data. Structured, unstructured and semi-structured are three different types of data that further results in the generation of heterogeneous, non-linear and high-dimensional data. Learning from such a great dataset is a challenge and further results in an increase in complexity of data. To overcome this challenge, Data Integration should be used. -. Learning of Streamed data of high speed: There are various tasks that include completion of work in a certain period of time. Velocity is also one of the major attributes of big data. If the task is not completed in a specified period of time, the results of processing may become less valuable or even worthless too. For this, you can take the example of stock market prediction, earthquake prediction etc. So it is very necessary and challenging task to process the big data in time. To overcome this challenge, online learning approach should be used. -. Learning of Ambiguous and Incomplete Data: Previously, the machine learning algorithms were provided more accurate data relatively. So the results were also accurate at that time. But nowadays, there is an ambiguity in the data because the data is generated from different sources which are uncertain and incomplete too. So, it is a big challenge for machine learning in big data analytics. Example of uncertain data is the data which is generated in wireless networks due to noise, shadowing, fading etc. To overcome this challenge, Distribution based approach should be used. -. Learning of Low-Value Density Data: The main purpose of machine learning for big data analytics is to extract the useful information from a large amount of data for commercial benefits. Value is one of the major attributes of data. To find the significant value from large volumes of data having a low-value density is very challenging. So it is a big challenge for machine learning in big data analytics. To overcome this challenge, Data Mining technologies and knowledge discovery in databases should be used.